On Fri, 25 Mar 2011 22:04:20 -0400, Caligo <iteronve...@gmail.com> wrote:

T[3] data;

T dot(const ref Vector o){
return data[0] * o.data[0] + data[1] * o.data[1] + data[2] * o.data[2];

T LengthSquared_Fast(){ return data[0] * data[0] + data[1] * data[1] +
data[2] * data[2]; }
T LengthSquared_Slow(){ return dot(this); }

The faster LengthSquared() is twice as fast, and I've test with GDC
and DMD.  Is it because the compilers don't inline-expand the dot()
function call?  I need the performance, but the faster version is too

ref parameters used to make functions not be inlined, but apparently that was fixed: http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=2008

The best thing to do is check the disassembly to see if the call is being inlined.

Also, if you want more help besides guessing, a complete working program is good to have.


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