On 8/8/22 00:14, vc wrote:

> i will like to hear thoughts even if it works
> for me

__gshared would work as well but I would consider std.concurrency first. Just a simple example:

import std.stdio;
import std.concurrency;
import core.thread;

struct Result {
  int value;

struct Done {

void run()
  bool done = false;
  while (!done) {
    writeln("Derived thread running.");
        (Done msg) {
            done = true;

  // Send the result to the owner
  // (I made assumptions; the thread may produce
  // results inside the while loop above.)

void main()
    auto worker = spawn(&run);
    auto result = receiveOnly!Result();
    writeln("Here is the result: ", result);

Related, Roy Margalit's DConf 2022 presentation was based on traps related to sequential consistency. The video will be moved to a better place but the following link should work for now:



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