On 3/28/11 5:14 PM, simendsjo wrote:
On 28.03.2011 17:07, David Nadlinger wrote:
On 3/28/11 4:54 PM, simendsjo wrote:
When running compose with two arguments, the implementation uses the
template parameter E. I don't understand what's going on here as E isn't
submitted to the template - what type is E?
typeof({ E a; return fun0(fun1(a)); }()) doIt(E)(E a)
{ […] }

doIt is a function template, so E will be deduced to be whatever type
the passed argument is – you won't notice the extra »template layer« as
E is automatically inferred from the argument.

For better understanding, you might want to look at the definition like

template composeImpl(fun...) {
template doIt(E) {
typeof({ E a; return fun0(fun1(a)); }()) doIt(E a) {


Thanks. That seems like a good way of mentally mapping template usage
until it comes more naturally.

Even more, due to the eponymous template »trick«, there is almost no difference between the forms – with the important exception being that function templates enjoy IFTI (implicit function template instantiation), the feature which allows you to omit the type parameter(s) if it can be deduced from the arguments.


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