It’s 2022 already and BetterC still imposes limits at compile time and makes things awkward.

I have 3 integer enums that represents my library version. And I want to generate a "1.2.3" enum from them. This is a trivial thing to do in standard D but I can’t find a way to do it with BetterC enabled. I can’t use `to`, `text`, `sformat` or `toChars`, as none of them is compatible with BetterC. And I can’t use `sprintf` either because ‘stdc’ is not available at compile time.

On the other hand, string to integer conversion is simple: just ‘mixin’ it! So as a workaround, I put numbers into private string enums, and the integer enums are generated from them. But this is not nice.

Maybe I’m missing something?

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