On 9/19/22 7:48 PM, mw wrote:

I'm using dub.json to specify the dependencies libs for my project.

I'm just wondering how I can use dub to run all the tests of those dependencies libs (of the transitive closure of *all* the libs) to make sure my project is built on a very solid foundation?

I know this could be very time-consuming, probably will run it over-night.

On the other hand, what's the command to run dub test on a single dependency lib?


I don't see any specific command to do it in dub itself.

I've recently discovered that `dub describe` gives you the directories of all your dependencies in a JSON format.

I used this to write an install script for dependent library artifacts. See [here](https://github.com/schveiguy/raylib-d/blob/master/install/source/app.d).

It would be pretty easy to do the same thing to run dependency unit tests. e.g. something like `foreach(dir; getDubDependencyDirectories) { cd(dir); execute("dub", "test"); }`

You'd have to write getDubDependencyDirectories. But it's just parsing JSON.


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