Dear Dlang experts,

up until now I was perfectly happy with implementing `(override) string toString() const` or something to get nicely formatted (mostly debug) output for my structs, classes and exceptions.

But recently I stumbled upon and additionally which at first sight is great, because it provides the same customization of an objects representation with less memory allocations.

When grepping through phobos, there are a bunch of "different" signatures implemented for this, e.g.

phobos/std/typecons.d: void toString(DG)(scope DG sink) const
phobos/std/typecons.d: void toString(DG, Char)(scope DG sink, scope const ref FormatSpec!Char fmt) const
phobos/std/typecons.d: void toString()(scope void delegate(const(char)[]) sink, scope const ref FormatSpec!char fmt)
phobos/std/sumtype.d: void toString(this This, Sink, Char)(ref Sink sink, const ref FormatSpec!Char fmt);
to just show a few.

Furthermore, when one works with instances of struct, objects or exceptions a `aInstance.toString()` does not "work" when one only implements the sink interface (which is to be expected), whereas a `!string` or a formatted write with `%s` always works (no matter what was used to implement the toString).

So I wonder, what is best practice in the community and would it make sense to add something to dscanner, that "warns" on usages of `aInstance.toString()`?

Kind regards,

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