On 03/30/2011 05:32 AM, Ali Çehreli wrote:
On 03/29/2011 03:40 PM, Kai Meyer wrote:

 I was given two words of advice on exceptions:
 "Use exceptions for the exceptional"
 "Use exceptions only for the exceptional"

Those advices are given by wise people: they are wise only because they leave
the definition as vague as "exceptional." :)

And what do we do for the "not so exceptional"? Do we return error codes? So
the function implementation will be complicated and the caller code will be

Exceptions are a great tool to eliminate the need for error codes.

Here is what I follow:

- Functions have specific tasks to do; if those tasks cannot be accomplished,
the function must throw.

In some cases the function can continue, but that behavior must be documented.
For example, if an HTML library function is responsible for making HTML
headers, of which only the levels in the range of 1-6 are valid, that function
may throw when the level is outside of the valid range, for in that case it
cannot "make an HTML header"; or it can document that if the level is outside
of the range, 1 or 6 will be used.

- Catch exceptions only when there is a sensible thing to do at that level: log
an error, skip that operation, go back to the user with an error code, take
corrective action, etc.

Disclaimer: That is what I follow in C++ code. I don't have experience with
exception safety in D. I don't know issues that may be specific to D.

These are sensible and well expressed guidelines, thank you.
In other languages, I happened to use exceptions as a // channel for side-information (eg 'nomatch' for a matching func), but in D I realised how 'exceptionnally' (!) costly throwing & catching exceptions is, so that I do not do it anymore. No idea though whether this exceptional cost is perticular to D.

vita es estrany

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