On 3/31/11 2:32 AM, Aleksandar Ružičić wrote:
Is it possible to use opDispatch as generic getter and setter at the
same time? Something like __get() and __set() in PHP..

this is what I've tried: https://gist.github.com/895571

and I get Error: template instance opDispatch!("bar") matches more
than one template declaration, path\to\test.d(57):opDispatch(string
entryName) and path\to\test.d(66):opDispatch(string entryName)

Is mixing @property with opDispatch supposed to work at all or is
opDispatch only ment for method calls?

Or maybe there is some other way to achive what I want and I'm not
aware of it? :-)

You can't have two methods named opDispatch like that. You can do something like this:

class Foo {

@property ref ConfigSection opDispatch(string sectionName, Args ...)(Args args)
    static if (Args.length == 0) {} // getter
    else static if (Args.length == 1) { auto value = args[0]; } // setter

Or, I think this will work as well:

@property ref ConfigSection opDispatch(string sectionName, Args ...)(Args args) if (Args.length == 0)
// getter

@property ref ConfigSection opDispatch(string sectionName, Args ...)(Args args) if (Args.length == 1)
// setter

auto foo = new Foo;

foo.bar; // works
foo.bar = 3; // currently does not work, bug
foo.bar(3); // works

/Jacob Carlborg

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