I'm trying to write a chip8 emulator. I'm at the step where I load the rom into the memory. According to the [documentation](http://devernay.free.fr/hacks/chip8/C8TECH10.HTM#3.0) each instruction is 2 bytes and max memory addressed is 4K. So I define the memory as an array of ushorts.

struct Chip8
        ushort[4096] memory;

To load in the rom I do this

        void read(string rom)
                import std.file : exists, getSize, read;

                if (exists(rom))
                        writeln("Loading the Rom");
                        auto romSize = getSize(rom);
                        writeln("The Rom size is : ", romSize);
                        if (romSize > this.memory.length - memStart)
writefln("Rom Size is too big! romSize = %s MemSize = %s", romSize,
                                        this.memory.length - memStart);

                                // is it possible to to!int[] or do I have to 
use a cast here?
this.memory[memStart..memStart + romSize] = cast(ushort[])read(rom);

                        writeln("Cannot read ", rom);


But I get a range violation error.

`core.exception.RangeError@source\chip.d(85): Range violation`

I don't understand why? According to Windows [the file is 478 bytes](https://github.com/corax89/chip8-test-rom/blob/master/test_opcode.ch8). memStart is 0x200. 0x200 + 478 = 990 which is well within the 4096Kb array which I created.
  • Error Decabytes via Digitalmars-d-learn

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