Wondering if someone can help me with this. Mr. Adam D. Ruppe got me 90% there, but I'm a little lost after reaching the 99% mark. I want to use XLSX I/O to manipulate excel spreadsheets.

I've cloned, built, and installed the library. And with the help of Adam, I am now able to import it and link to D program (as long as I'm not using anything from the lib). Wanted to continue the discussion with Adam, but I realize the announce forum isn't the place to ask for help.

Anyway, the library has two dependencies:

- [expat](http://www.libexpat.org/) (only for libxlsxio_read)
- [minizip](http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html) or libzip (libxlsxio_read and libxlsxio_write)

Since I'm on a Mac, I installed them using homebrew. In a demo.d file I have the following:

import xlsxio_read;
import std.stdio;

pragma(lib, "libxlsxio_read.a");
pragma(lib, "libexpat.a");
pragma(lib, "libminizip.a");

string filename = "logistic_regression.xlsx";

void main (string[] args)
    if (args.length > 1)
        filename = args[1];

    xlsxioreader xlsxioread;

writef("XLSX I/O library version %s\n", xlsxioread_get_version_string());

And in xlsxio_read.c (probably should call it something else), I simply import the library header:
#include <xlsxio_read.h>

When I try to compile it, I get a slew of errors about undefined symbols. It wasn't finding libexpat and libminizip so I copied those to my work directory and tried again. With that, most of the errors disappeared. The remaining ones are:

dmd demo.d xlsxio_read.c
ld: warning: ignoring file libminizip.a, building for macOS-x86_64 but attempting to link with file built for macOS-x86_64
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_unzClose", referenced from:
      _xlsxioread_close in libxlsxio_read.a(xlsxio_read.c.o)
  "_unzCloseCurrentFile", referenced from:
      _expat_process_zip_file in libxlsxio_read.a(xlsxio_read.c.o)
_xlsxioread_sheetlist_close in libxlsxio_read.a(xlsxio_read.c.o)
      _xlsxioread_sheet_close in libxlsxio_read.a(xlsxio_read.c.o)
  "_unzGetCurrentFileInfo", referenced from:
_iterate_files_by_contenttype_expat_callback_element_start in libxlsxio_read.a(xlsxio_read.c.o)
  "_unzGetGlobalInfo", referenced from:
_iterate_files_by_contenttype_expat_callback_element_start in libxlsxio_read.a(xlsxio_read.c.o)
  "_unzGoToFirstFile", referenced from:
_iterate_files_by_contenttype_expat_callback_element_start in libxlsxio_read.a(xlsxio_read.c.o)
  "_unzGoToNextFile", referenced from:
_iterate_files_by_contenttype_expat_callback_element_start in libxlsxio_read.a(xlsxio_read.c.o)
  "_unzLocateFile", referenced from:
      _XML_Char_openzip in libxlsxio_read.a(xlsxio_read.c.o)
  "_unzOpen", referenced from:
      _xlsxioread_open in libxlsxio_read.a(xlsxio_read.c.o)
  "_unzOpen2", referenced from:
_xlsxioread_open_filehandle in libxlsxio_read.a(xlsxio_read.c.o)
      _xlsxioread_open_memory in libxlsxio_read.a(xlsxio_read.c.o)
  "_unzOpenCurrentFile", referenced from:
      _XML_Char_openzip in libxlsxio_read.a(xlsxio_read.c.o)
  "_unzReadCurrentFile", referenced from:
      _expat_process_zip_file in libxlsxio_read.a(xlsxio_read.c.o)
_expat_process_zip_file_resume in libxlsxio_read.a(xlsxio_read.c.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Error: linker exited with status 1
From the first line of the error message, I gather I'm using the wrong minizip but I'm not sure how or why. What does **"building for macOS-x86_64 but attempting to link with file built for macOS-x86_64"** even mean?


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