I have an implementation of the "[Little Scheme](https://mitpress.mit.edu/9780262560993/the-little-schemer/)" educational programming language written in D, [here](https://github.com/jwatson-CO-edu/SPARROW)".

It has many problems, but the one I want to solve first is the size of the "atoms" (units of data).

`Atom` is a struct that has fields for every possible type of data that the language supports. This means that a bool `Atom` unnecessarily takes up space in memory with fields for number, string, structure, etc.

Here is the [definition](https://github.com/jwatson-CO-edu/SPARROW/blob/main/lil_schemer.d#L55):

enum F_Type{
    CONS, // Cons pair
    STRN, // String/Symbol
    NMBR, // Number
    EROR, // Error object
    BOOL, // Boolean value
    FUNC, // Function

struct Atom{
    F_Type  kind; // ---------------- What kind of atom this is
    Atom*   car; // ----------------- Left  `Atom` Pointer
    Atom*   cdr; // ----------------- Right `Atom` Pointer
    double  num; // ----------------- Number value
string str; // ----------------- String value, D-string underlies
    bool    bul; // ----------------- Boolean value
    F_Error err = F_Error.NOVALUE; // Error code

**Where do I begin my consolidation of space within `Atom`? Do I use unions or variants?**

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