On 11/30/22 16:39, jwatson-CO-edu wrote:
Is there a way to write a single statement that creates a void pointer that points to an initialized float array?  See below:
float* arr = cast(float*) new float[4];
arr[0] = 0.1;
arr[1] = 0.1;
arr[2] = 0.1;
arr[3] = 0.1;
void* value = cast(void*) arr;

Functions are syntax sugar. :)

import std;

void* inittedArray(T)(T value, size_t count) {
    auto arr = new T[count];
    arr[] = value;
    return arr.ptr;

void main() {
    auto v = inittedArray(0.1f, 5);

    // or something a little crazy:
    auto v2 = 0.1f.repeat(5).array.ptr.to!(void*);


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