I've been writing some code and I have been experimenting with casting. I've found that sometimes only `std.conv.to!` does the job over casting, and I am unsure why this is the case as I assumed that they are both the same.

I have the following interface:

interface ICustomDrawable {
    void render(sfRenderWindow* renderWindow);

And the following class that implements that interface:

class Button : ICustomDrawable {
    override void render(sfRenderWindow* renderWindow) {

And this class which uses `ICustomDrawable`:

class StackLayout : ICustomDrawable {
    void addChild(T)(T child) {
static assert(is(T : ICustomDrawable), "Invalid type T for child");
    ICustomDrawable[] _children;

For some reason, when I want to cast the `children` (property), only the second example works:


foreach (Button button; cast(Button[])(_boardSizeRow.children)) {
    button.update(event, _renderWindow);


foreach (Button button; to!(Button[])(_boardSizeRow.children)) {
    button.update(event, _renderWindow);

When I run the first code example I get a black screen, whilst with the second I do not. I find this very strange as when I write to the console the 'type', it is the same for both scenarios.

Help would be appreciated as to why this is happening so I can better understand how D works.

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