On 1/12/23 12:05 PM, seany wrote:

How can I make it, that classes b and c can access each other, and create instances of each other freely? Thank you.

So to just point out something that wasn't discussed by Salih:

When you declare a field of a class with an initializer, *that initializer is run at compile-time*. Which means, that even if it did work, every instance of every b would start out with the same exact `C` object (not a copy, the same one).

This is different than many other languages which treat initializers as part of the constructor (and run when you initialize a class). In D, the bits are simply copied into the new memory as the default state.

For this reason you should almost *never* initialize a class reference in a non-static field. Consider that if you ever modified that instance named `C`, all new instances of `b` would have a reference to that modified instance!

The reason the compiler doesn't like it is because it doesn't know how to initialize a `c` at compile time, since it needs the context pointer to the outer class.

Just moving initialization into the constructor should fix the problem, you don't need to make them static. Now, maybe you didn't intend to have a nested class with a reference to the outer class, and in that case, you should make it static.


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