On Tue, 05 Apr 2011 15:24:46 -0400, simendsjo <simen.end...@pandavre.com>

I don't know if this is an actual problem, but I don't understand the
When one slice calls assumeSafeAppend, both slices is "given control",
that is, gets the parents capacity.

You have to stop thinking of array slices as unique :)

If you look at the dissection of a slice, it is a pointer and length. That is all. So if b.ptr == c.ptr && b.length == c.length, then both slices not only are the same, but are identical. That is, the runtime cannot tell the difference.

It might be easier to think about it this way. First, there are no arrays in the traditional definition, only slices. Every array slice which references the heap is backed by a memory block. The block has a fixed size (e.g. 16 bytes, 32 bytes, 64 bytes, etc.). However, encoded in the block itself is the 'used length', which is basically the number of bytes in the block which are actually being used. If you took a slice of the block from the beginning of the block and with length equivalent to the 'used length', we can call this the 'master slice'. The array appending code allows appending ONLY when the slice being appended ends at the same point that the master slice ends (and when there is space available).

all assumeSafeAppend does is adjust that "used length" so it ends at the same point as the given slice. So it's not actually blessing anything about the specific slice you use to call it with, it's just adjusting the 'master slice' to make it so the array you give will be appendable.

Keeping all this in mind, let's go through your example to see how assumeSafeAppend actually works

        int[] a;
        a.length = 4;

At this point, the array allocates a block large enough to hold 4 integers. You'd think that was 16 bytes, but we need to have a byte to store the 'used length', so this actually turns out to be 32 bytes (of which 31 can be used to store data). So a.capacity should be 7.

So what we see here is, a points to the beginning of the block, it's length is 4, and the master slice's length is 16 (remember the master slice is always in bytes). For simplicity's sake, we'll assume the master slice is an int[] slice, so we'll call the length 4.

        int[] b = a[0..1];
        int[] c = a[0..1];

each of these slices' lengths are 1, which mean they don't end at the same point as the master slice. Therefore, they are not appendable in-place (capacity of 0).

        // appending to b or c reallocates
        assert(a.capacity >  0);
        assert(b.capacity == 0);
        assert(c.capacity == 0);

ok so far.

        // gives a's capacity to b AND c

This now sets the master slice to be the same length as b (which is 1).

        assert(a.capacity == 0);
        assert(b.capacity >  0);
        assert(c.capacity >  0); // why does c get capacity?

So now, even though you called assumeSafeAppend on b, both b and c end at the same place as the master slice. So they are both appendable. The runtime cannot tell the difference between b and c, so calling capacity with either should be absolutely equivalent.

However, a does not end on the master slice, so its capacity is 0. Note that technically using a[1..$] is undefined at this point since the runtime considers those elements 'unused'.

        // .. until one of the slices modifies. Just changing
assumeSafeAppend does not change this behavior
        b ~= 1;

This increments the master slice's length by 1 and sets the value of the new element to 1.

        // now b has full control
        assert(a.capacity == 0);
        assert(b.capacity >  0);
        assert(c.capacity == 0);

Since b's length still matches the master slice's length (2), it's still appendable. However, a's length is still 4 and c's length is still 1, so neither is appendable.

        // c full control
        assert(a.capacity == 0);
        assert(b.capacity == 0);
        assert(c.capacity >  0);

Sets the master slice length to 1. a's length is 4, b's length is 2, so neither are appendable.

        // a full control
        assert(a.capacity >  0);
        assert(b.capacity == 0);
        assert(c.capacity == 0);

Sets the master slice length to 4. b's length is 2, c's length is 1, so neither are appendable.

        // but now ONLY b gets full control. Not both b and c as the
first assumeSafeAppend
        assert(a.capacity == 0);
        assert(b.capacity >  0);
        assert(c.capacity == 0);

Right, because b and c are no longer identical. The call to assumeSafeAppend sets the master slice's length to match b's length of 2. So now, a and c, which don't have a length of 2, are now not appendable.

Note, if you did b ~= 1; b ~=1; then the master slice's length would equal a's length, so a would then become appendable.

There is one more aspect that you have not covered, and that is slices which do not *start* at the block front. Remember, I said any slice that *ends* at the same place that the master slice ends. Slices do not necessarily need to begin at the beginning of the block to be appendable. All the runtime has to prove is that appending will only expand into unused data.

So this is also expected:

int[] a;
a.length = 4;
b = a[2..$];

assert(a.capacity > 0);
assert(b.capacity > 0);

If I have thoroughly confused you now, please ask more questions :)


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