I would like to write a function which takes an array as input, and returns a sorted array without duplicates.

In fact, i have a function which does this, but i think it may have some extra unnecessary steps.

    private S[] _sort_array( S )( S[] x ) {
      import std.algorithm;
      auto y = x.dup;
      auto z = y.uniq;
      // Cannot just return z; this gives:
      // Error: cannot implicitly convert expression `z` of type
      // `UniqResult!(binaryFun, uint[])` to `uint[]`
      // You also cannot just return cast( S[] ) z;
      // Nor can you do:
      //  import std.conv;
      //  return to!( S[] )( z );
      typeof( x ) w;
      foreach ( v ; z ) w ~= v;
      return w;

My only constraint is that i really want to keep the same signature (i.e., return an array, not sharing structure or storage with the input).

Here's the usage:

    void main( ) {
      uint[] nums = [1, 3, 2, 5, 1, 4, 2, 8];
      auto sorted = _sort_array( nums );
      import std.stdio;
      writeln( "Input:  ", nums );
      writeln( "Output: ", sorted );

Thanks in advance for any info!


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