On Sunday, 22 January 2023 at 02:28:11 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:
    TestStruct ts = {
        a: 2, b: 3,
        op: (s) {
            return s.a + s.b;

This simple! just like with C's designated initializers

Ah, I had forgotten about this handy initializer form! However, I may not have been clear. I was hoping that by assigning a function as a member to a `TestStruct`, that it would already have access to the other members of `TestStruct`. I can see now that this would not pass muster during type checking and is therefore a luxury afforded to dynamically typed languages only, like Python:

from types import MethodType

class TestStruct:
    def __init__( self, A, B ):
        self.a = A
        self.b = B

def op( self ):
    return self.a + self.b

ts = TestStruct(2, 3)
ts.op = MethodType(op, ts)
print( ts.op() )

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