On 04/06/2011 11:53 AM, Kagamin wrote:
spir Wrote:


I get this error message:
        Not the start of the UTF-8 sequence
without any other comment module name or whatnot.

This happens when I just added toString to the following struct, and used it:

      struct Node {
          // Note: level is equal to the number of chars up to this node.
          // Note: a 'path' node without entry has key="".
          char ch;
          uint level;
          Key key;
          Value value;
          string toString() {
              if (this.key != "")
                  return format("<%s %s:%s>", this.ch, this.key, this.value);
                  return format("<%s>", this.ch);

Hints? I'm blocked :-(

      struct Node {
          // Note: level is equal to the number of chars up to this node.
          // Note: a 'path' node without entry has key="".
          dchar ch;

Sorry, no, nothing to do with the type. The error came from a special case where ch='\0'. Seems some routine in dmd does not like that; but no idea where the error comes from.
There are two points to solve, I guess:
* The error message should tell where it happens.
* '\0' is a valid code point, should pass through without error.

vita es estrany

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