On Wednesday, 1 February 2023 at 05:51:31 UTC, Paul wrote:
Thanks Salih.  Much appreciated.

It's my pleasure to solve this problem...

I have struck upon an idea that would not affect (i think) the speed of the processor requesting memory from the heap on a page-by-page basis but limited 😀

import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.range;

enum : size_t {
  ROW = 11,
  COL = 4,

void main()
  // 4 ushort x 11 ulong:
  auto arr = LimitedArray!COL(ROW);

  assert(arr.cell[0].elements.length >= COL);
  assert(arr.length == SUM);

  alias T = typeof(arr.cell[0].elements[0]);

  auto range = iota!T(T.max/2, T.max, 762).array;
  assert(range.length == SUM);

  range.each!((i, T x) => arr[i] = x);/*
  foreach(i, x; range) {
    arr[i] = x;

  // 8 ubyte x 99 ulong:
  auto minMaxTest = LimitedArray!8(99);
  auto testLength = minMaxTest.length;

  minMaxTest[0] = ubyte.min + 1;
  minMaxTest[testLength - 1] = ubyte.max;

template LimitedArray(size_t col)
    enum error = "Not Possible Capacity!";
    enum size = (col + 1) >> 1;

    static if(size >= 3)
      alias T = ubyte; // min value, but max column

    } else static if(size == 2)
      alias T = ushort;// average array

    } else static if(size == 1)
      alias T = uint;  // max value, but min column
    enum s = ulong.sizeof/T.sizeof;

    struct LimitedArray
      invariant(uint.sizeof > size, error);

    private {
      union Cell {
        ulong element;
        T[s] elements;
      Cell[] cell;
      const size_t row;

    this(size_t row) {
      this.cell = new Cell[row];
      this.row = cell.length;

    ref T opIndex(size_t i)
    in(i < length, "Range overflow!") {
      auto len = cell.length;
      size_t y, x = i % len;
                y = i / len;
      return cell[x].elements[y];

    auto length() {
      return row * col;

    void print() {
      foreach(i, c; cell) {
        i.writef!"row %2s =>";
        foreach(e; c.elements) e.writef!"%6s";
        writeln(": ", c.element);

row  0 => 32767 41149 49531 57913: 16301273062966132735
row  1 => 33529 41911 50293 58675: 16515760268034671353
row  2 => 34291 42673 51055 59437: 16730247473103209971
row  3 => 35053 43435 51817 60199: 16944734678171748589
row  4 => 35815 44197 52579 60961: 17159221883240287207
row  5 => 36577 44959 53341 61723: 17373709088308825825
row  6 => 37339 45721 54103 62485: 17588196293377364443
row  7 => 38101 46483 54865 63247: 17802683498445903061
row  8 => 38863 47245 55627 64009: 18017170703514441679
row  9 => 39625 48007 56389 64771: 18231657908582980297
row 10 => 40387 48769 57151 65533: 18446145113651518915


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