Wow, talk about enlightement. I think I've done it now:

import std.stdio;
import std.traits;
import std.metastrings;

template count(T...)
    enum count = T.length;

template myCurry(alias fun, args...)
    static if (args.length > (ParameterTypeTuple!fun).length)
        static assert(0, Format!("Tried to pass %s arguments, max is %s.",
                                 count!args, (ParameterTypeTuple!fun).length));

    ReturnType!fun myCurry(T...)(T t)
        return fun(args, t);

void foo(string x, int y, int z)
    writeln(x, y, z);

alias myCurry!(foo, "bar")       oneCurry;
alias myCurry!(foo, "bar", 1)    twoCurry;
alias myCurry!(foo, "bar", 1, 2) threeCurry;

void main()
    oneCurry(1, 2);

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