On 04/07/2011 09:52 AM, spir wrote:
On 04/07/2011 03:07 AM, Ali Çehreli wrote:
Given an array of strings std.string.join() returns a single string:

import std.string;
void main() {
string[] a1 = ["hello", "red"];
string j1 = join(a1, " "); // OK

But in a program I need an array of mutable arrays of chars. If I join the
arrays I get a mutable array of chars.
Finally, casting ourselves works:

string j2 = cast(string)join(a2, " ");

Oh, that's very good news! Thans Ali, I never thought at that solution. I'm
often i/dup-ing from/to string to manipulate text due to the fact there is no
automatic conversion.
cast() works in place, doesn't it? so this is supposed avoid to avoid copy.

PS: Checked: indeed, it works in-place. But watch the gotcha:

unittest {
string s = "abc";
char[] chars = cast(char[])s;
chars ~= "de";
s = cast(string) chars;
writeln(s, ' ', chars); // abcde abcde

chars[1] = 'z';
writeln(s, ' ', chars); // azcde azcde

s's chars are mutable ;-) So, I guess there is /really/ no reason for implicite
casts between char[] and string no to exist. (I assumed the reason was
precisely to avoid such traps).

After some more thought, I guess it's better to leave things as are. We have a way to cast without copy --which is one issue perfectly solved. The other issue --typing-- is small enough to keep it, since it also serves as warning to the programmer about the above trap. What should definitely be done is teaching this idiom in all relevant places of the reference, manuals, tutorials: while this issue is often submitted on D lists, I had never read about it (nore thought about it myself).

Questions: did you know this idiom? if yes, have you found it yourself or read about it? if the latter, where?

vita es estrany

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