On 2/12/23 6:05 AM, Steve wrote:

I'm trying D for the first time and so far I'm really impressed with both D and vibe-d.

My test project is an application server and I want to use SQLite3 as its database. I understand Vibe.d uses an async model under the hood and so my question is are Vibe-d and ddbc compatible?


Any synchronous calls will just be synchronous. They aren't going to participate in the async i/o that vibe uses.

In other words, when you block on a call to sqlite, it will block everything else in your web server until that completes.

There are several projects that are built to work with vibe-d sockets. mysql-native is one, and vibe-d-postgresql is another.

I don't know if there is an sqlite project that is vibe-specific. But sqlite typically is using files anyway, or maybe even memory, so you aren't waiting on network i/o.


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