On Tue, 05 Apr 2011 01:19:08 -0300, Jose Armando Garcia wrote:

> dmd can compile and run to follow the code:
> unittest
> {
>    spawn(&fun);
> }
> void fun(int i) { writeln(i); }
> Which if you are lucky segfaults and if you are unlucky prints garbage!
> The problem is that spawn doesn't checks that the signature of fun
> matches the number and type of variadic arguments. Is this a bug in
> spawn(), a bug in dmd or a limitation of the language?
> * If it is a bug in spawn, how can it be augmented to check this case? *
> If this is a bug in dmd, I'll file a report. * If this is a limitation
> of the language is this well known and it is worked on? As it stands it
> doesn't seem possible to write safe multi-threaded code.

It's not a language limitation. The signature is:

Tid spawn(T...)( void function(T) fn, T args );

So the compiler should ensure that fn(args) is typesafe.

Please search bugzilla for this bug and report it if not found.

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