Here is a very simple version of the program I'm working on. Is there a way to write is_any_key_pressed() that doesn't block, doesn't require the Enter key, and doesn't require dragging in any complex libraries or dealing with low-level stuff like ioctl()? Is there nothing in Phobos that provides the needed functionality?

I won't go into the details, but I tried threading, putting the getchar() in a separate thread that sets a global bool g_keypressed variable. It was a disaster. Maybe there's a right way to use threading? I am not talented at threads.

import core.thread;
import core.time;
import std.stdio;
import std.conv;

void light_on() {
    write("on "); stdout.flush;
void light_off() {
    write("off "); stdout.flush;

void wait()  {
    Duration dur = dur!("seconds")( to!int(1) );

bool is_any_key_pressed()  {
getchar(); // nope, requires Enter key to be pressed, and is blocking
    return true;

void main(string[] args)

    while (true)  {

        if (is_any_key_pressed())  {

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