On Saturday, 11 March 2023 at 13:18:13 UTC, rempas wrote:
Even if the first was the case (which again, only things that need the GC will not be able to be used), D is far from been "useless". You can use `betterC` and use C's libraries. Personally, that's what I'm doing anyway. Even if there was no garbage collector and a runtime, I still don't like Phobos and the built-in structures of D. It is still far far better than pretty much any other (compiled) language out there in case of usability so it's not useless at all even if you cannot use the standard library!

Hi rempas,
just wanted to answer to this one separately for two reasons,
first: I didn't want to sound aggressive or like I was trying to bash D, sorry if it came across like that. Second: I find it super interesting what you say about you not actually liking Phobos and the built-in structures of D. Although I have not seen very much yet, I think I have to agree to that.

Although I come from a C++ background, I'm not exactly a fanboy of that language (you can probably tell, otherwise I wouldn't be here). But after hearing praise for D for being a cleaner and better version of C/C++, I am a bit disappointed so far, tbh. I don't want to go into too much detail here to not derail the thread entirely, but I think it repeats too many old sins, like implicit type conversions, the `for` loop syntax (although I guess one wouldn't need it that often because of `foreach`), the `switch` `case` fallthrough, and the cancerous `const` (as far as I can tell, `immutable` is an even worse flavor of it).

Despite all of that, I can't argue with the fact that it may still be the best compiled language currently around. Sadly enough, though, imo that isn't that much of a compliment. :)

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