On 04/10/2011 04:10 PM, spir wrote:

I need a trick to allow a function template parameter be optional.
The following (reduced case) fails because D wants to call f:

uint f(uint i) { return i; }
struct S (alias func=null) {
enum bool hasFunc = !(func == null); // *** error line ***
unittest {
// ok
auto s1 = S!()();
// not ok
auto s2 = S!(f)();
Error: function ___.f (uint i) is not callable using argument types ()
(I consider that a bug due to "f" implicitely meaning "f()" --but this is
another story.)

The following also fails:

// not ok
auto s3 = S1!(&f)();
Error: expression & f is not a valid template value argument

PS: I also cannot pass a typed func:

struct S (uint delegate (uint) func=null) {
    enum bool hasFunc = !(func == null);

Error: arithmetic/string type expected for value-parameter, not uint delegate(uint)

vita es estrany

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