On Tuesday, 19 September 2023 at 06:35:01 UTC, JG wrote:
On Tuesday, 19 September 2023 at 00:34:01 UTC, vino wrote:
 //auto a = Array!string("Aname");           // throws error
 auto b = Array!char("Bname");                // works
 auto c = Array!string("Aname", "Bname");   // works
Looks to me like when it receives a single range it expects the elements of that range to match the type.

Yes, the first overload fails to match because U is inferred as immutable(char) rather than string:

    this(U)(U[] values...)
    if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(U, T))

This is because a single array can be passed to a typesafe variadic parameter rather than elements of that array type. And then immutable(char) doesn't convert to string.

I think a non-variadic overload could be added to make it work as expected.

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