On 23.09.23 05:11, Vitaliy Fadeev wrote:
On Friday, 22 September 2023 at 19:50:17 UTC, Christian Köstlin wrote:
another option could be to model your own VTable in a struct like this:

Kind regards,

Thank, Christian !
True nice tasty solution with ```VTable```!
And further... the project is growing.
void Draw()

And we want use ```DrawBG()``` code  from ```initial``` in other states, like ```Selected```.

How to use some functions from ```initial``` via ```VTable``` ?

I see solution in ```classes``` and methods with ```override``` keyword.

```VTable``` does the same thing as ```__vptr``` ?

VTable is your structure .. it does exactly what you want it to do.
__vptr is the internal implementation of virtual methods in the dlang object model. Line 20 and 21 in my example initialize the two `VTable`s Initial and Hovered. You can change VTable to contain two function pointers and initialize those as you like for the instances of the VTable structs.

struct DrawVTable
   void function(Chip, Renderer) background;
   void function(Chip, Renderer) foreground;

// define functions to draw the different fore and backgrounds

VTable initial = VTable(&drawInitialBackground, &drawInitialForeground);
VTable hovered = VTable(&drawHoveredBackground, &drawHoveredForeground);
VTable selected = VTable(&drawInitialBackground, &drawHoveredForegtround);


Kind regards,

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