Read Bixby:

> (and I have no idea why it even compiles).

If it's in the same module then it compiles because everything in a module is 
public to each other. If it's in another module then it's a compiler bug.

> My third question is about attributes.  As far as I can tell, D has
> no user defined attributes, correct?

Right. But I think they will be added someday. We have discussed this many 
times, despite I think there is no concrete proposal yet.

> I was making myself a unit
> test framework (with simple reporting, encapsulation of unit tests
> as methods, and assertion tools).  I was hoping to perform automatic
> registration of the individual unit tests, but the best I could
> manage was compile-time detection of methods starting with "test",
> and this feels like a hack.  I would prefer to mark the methods
> explicitly in some way.  Does anyone know of a way to do this?

A unit test module will be soon added to Phobos. Currently the unittest hooks 
and D introspection capabilities aren't so strong. More people need to ask for 
this basic capabilities in the main D newsgroup to eventually let the D devs 
know that here there is a need.


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