On Saturday, 28 October 2023 at 18:37:37 UTC, Dmitry Ponyatov wrote:
I want to play with reimplementing some tiny set of standard D library, mostly for language learning, and need some advice - is it possible to use `dub` both for building custom druntime and test app? - or I must write some batch or Makefile and call `dmd` compiler directly onto every file? - what `dmd`/`dub` command line options forces it to drop system-wide druntime/phobos and use custom local .so / .a library in place of it?

- is it possible to use `dub` both for building custom druntime and test app?
Yes, my engine does that

what `dmd`/`dub` command line options forces it to drop system-wide druntime/phobos and use custom local .so / .a library in place of it?

If you have a module source file with the same name you want to replace, the build will prioritize your own version.

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