
Why isn't Endian.littleEndian the default setting for read() in std.bitmanip?

Okay, we can easily change this if we want (I could use enum LE in the example) and I can also be reversed with data.retro.array().

void main()
  import std.conv : hexString;
  string helloD = hexString!"48656C6C6F204421";
  // compile time converted literal string -ˆ

  import std.string : format;
  auto hexF = helloD.format!"%(%02X%)";

  import std.digest: toHexString;
  auto arr = cast(ubyte[])"Hello D!";

  auto hex = arr.toHexString;
  assert(hex == hexF);

  import std.stdio : writeln;
  hex.writeln(": ", helloD);
// 48656C6C6F204421: Hello D!
  assert(helloD == "Hello D!");

  auto data = arr.readBytes!size_t;
  data.code.writeln(": ", data.bytes);
// 2397076564600448328: Hello D!

template readBytes(T, R)
  union Bytes
    T code;
    char[T.sizeof] bytes;
  import std.bitmanip;
  enum LE = Endian.littleEndian;

  auto readBytes(ref R data)
   import std.range : retro, array;
   auto reverse = data.retro.array;
   return Bytes(reverse.read!T);

However, I think it is not compatible with Union. Thanks...


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