int foo(ref int y)
    y = 5;
    return y;

void main()
    int x = 1;
    int y = 2;
    switch (x = foo(y))
        case y:
            writeln("x == y");
    assert(x == 5);
    assert(y == 5);

According to the docs:
The case expressions must all evaluate to a constant value or array, or a 
runtime initialized const or immutable variable of integral type. 

In fact if you try to add a constant, only then will you get an error:
    switch (x)
        case y + 1:
Error: case must be a string or an integral constant, not y + 1

It will also error out if you try to use a field of a struct. Which leads me to 
believe the first case should not be allowed to compile. Thoughts?

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