On 02.11.23 13:52, BoQsc wrote:
Well the whole thread is about importing `package.d` while being inside package to provide runnable working example which contains debug information of the package.

Sorry, but I have never seen a package that includes examples within the package directory itself, nor am I able to imagine why anybody would want that. It would just be polluting the package folder with unnecessary files.

Examples are usually distributed in a separate directory, usually at the highest level of the distributable. As for tests, there are `unittest` blocks, and if necessary, they are placed in yet another separate directory.

Anyway, your point is moot, because even if you were able to import `package.d`, it would still fail at:

public import waffle.testing1;
public import waffle.testing2;

and for exactly the same reason: the compiler would look for `waffle/testing1.d` and it wouldn't find it withing `waffle/`.

You simply can't expect to do `import waffle.foo` from within `waffle/` itself (unless you have another `waffle` folder in it, which is often the case).

You always invoke the compiler from the outside the package structure, that's also how it works in java.

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