On Monday, 20 November 2023 at 09:11:07 UTC, evilrat wrote:

if you meant to take the function/delegate and not invoke try `&Counter` instead, otherwise it expects the parameters.

If you execute

writeln( "'Counter' is ", &Counter );

It shows the Counter address:

'Counter' is 557F2567F940

Not the function signature like it does with ```next```

I propose a simple change:

void main(){
  auto Counter = (int nextValue) => () => nextValue++;
  auto next = Counter(10);
  writeln( "'next' is ", next );
  writeln( "'Counter' is ", Counter );

first ```writeln``` shows the signature of next:
'next' is int delegate() pure nothrow @nogc @safe

second writeln shows the address of Counter
'Counter' is 55568953C910

- Why writeln doesn't treat ```next``` and ```Counter``` the same way? (I think I understand why, but it shows a "low" level difference of something that syntactically is equivalent)

- What is the way to show Counter signature using ```writeln``` (if possible)?


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