On Friday, 24 November 2023 at 09:35:00 UTC, BoQsc wrote:
I tried to look into https://dlang.org/phobos/std_conv.html

Most of the functions inside `std.conv` seem to be dependant on [Garbage Collection](https://dlang.org/spec/garbage.html).

And I couldn't find a straightforward way to produce a `string` value out of `uint` value.

How to convert or parse `uint` value to a `string` in `@nogc` way?

You can use std.conv.toChars:

void main() @nogc
    int n = 515;

    import std.conv;
    char[10] s = 0;
    auto r = n.toChars();
    assert(r.length < s.length);
    size_t i;
    foreach (c; r)
        s[i++] = c;

    import core.stdc.stdio;

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