The code:

void main() {

   struct SB {
      char  SBChrFld1;
      char  SBChrFld2;
      int   SBIntFld1;
      int   SBIntFld2;
   SB  SBVar;

   SB* wkSBPtr;

   void* StartPtr1 = null;

   mixin(mxnDelMbr("StartPtr1", "wkSBPtr"));

string mxnDelMbr()(string strStartPtr, string strPLPtr) {
   return `(void* StartPtr, typeof(` ~ strPLPtr ~ `) PLPtr) {

   }(` ~ strStartPtr ~ `,` ~ strPLPtr ~ `)`;
Fails with:

Error: found `End of File` when expecting `;` following statement

If an extra ; is added:
   }(` ~ strStartPtr ~ `,` ~ strPLPtr ~ `);`;

it works but doesn't seem correct.
Further, example above cloned from several other similar examples, which not only work, but if ';' introduced in corresponding place, dmd complains with
empty statement deprecation.
FWIW only difference identified between successful examples and this one,
is that other functions all return something, this one does not.


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