I completely agree with the OP, and I want to illustrate this by another example which I find quite bizarre:

struct S { int a; int b; }
S[] s_list = new S[0];

// this works
S s = { a:1, b:2 };
s_list ~= s;

// this does not
s_list ~= { a:1, b:2 };

I'm a C++ programmer in my day job and the very first instinct I'd have is to replace the first version by the second to reduce verbosity and eliminate an unnecessary copy.

However, for some reason the compiler is not able to deduce the type in the second case, so I'm out of luck.

I'm glad to hear that, with a compiler update, I will at least be able to do
s_list ~= S( a:1, b:2 );
instead of
s_list ~= S( 1, 2 );
but it still seems very inconsistent.

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