On Monday, 18 December 2023 at 16:44:11 UTC, Bkoie wrote:
but what is with these ppl and the gc?

I'm a C++ programmer in my day job. Personally, I have no problem with a GC, but one of my colleague is a total C fanboy, so I feel qualified to answer your question. :)

I think the problem most "old school" programmers have with automatic garbage collection, or *any* kind of "managed" code, really, is not the GC itself, but that it demonstrates a wrong mindset.

If you use (or even feel tempted to use) a GC, it means that you don't care about your memory. Neither about its layout nor its size, nor when chunks of it are allocated or deallocated, etc. And if you don't care about these things, you should not call yourself a programmer. You are the reason why modern software sucks and everything gets slower and slower despite the processors getting faster and faster. In fact, you probably should get another job, like flooring inspector or something. :)

And although this is not my opinion (otherwise I wouldn't use D), I have to admit that this isn't completely wrong. I like my abstractions because they make my life easier, but yeah, they detach me from the hardware, which often means things are not quite as fast as they could possibly be. It's a tradeoff.

Of course, people with a "purer" mindset could always use the "BetterC" subset of D... but then again, why should they? C is perfect, right? :)

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