> On 04/23/2011 04:23 AM, Mandeep wrote:
> > I have created a stream from stdout by using the following method.
> > 
> > new CFile(stdout.getFP(), FileMode.Out)
> > 
> > It works but is this the correct way or is there a better way to achieve
> > this without FP.
> > 
> > Thanks & Regards
> > Mandeep
> Consider streams gone from D. They are deprecated in favor of a "range"
> interface. std.range and std.algorithm have examples of ranges that are
> first introduced in this article (with different names in Phobos):
>    http://www.informit.com/articles/printerfriendly.aspx?p=1407357

That's not quite true. You've misunderstood.

Ranges are heavily used in Phobos, and most modules use them and are going to 
use them. std.stream is the current module for streaming I/O in Phobos. 
However, it is old and does _not_ use them. It probably has other issues with 
it that make it so that it's considered deficient anyway, but I haven't really 
used it much, so I'm not all that familiar with it. Regardless, because 
std.stream is old and does not use streams, it's going to be replaced with a 
new module (possibly called std.stream) which _does_ use ranges. However, that 
new module has not been completed or even completely designed as far as its 
basic API goes.

So, std.stream as it stands is going away. None of the current I/O streaming 
in Phobos will be sticking around in the long run. However, it will be 
replaced with new I/O streaming functionality which is range-based at some 
point in the future. As the new stuff is nowhere near complete, the old stuff 
is still there, but eventually it won't be.

- Jonathan M Davis

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