On Friday, 22 December 2023 at 17:45:27 UTC, Renato wrote:

I'm afraid I've lost interest to make it work at this point :(

Did you add "-L-ld_classic"?

That's the first thing I did... without that, LDC still compiles , but logs a huge amount of things like this (it keeps going for a few hundred of these):

I decided to continue with my struggles after all :).

I found out now that this flag is only required on my Mac x86 (Macbook Air with Intel processor), but not on my Mac M1 (ARM), even though I am on the exact same MacOS version in both machines.

So I had to do this on my dub file:

lflags "-ld_classic" platform="osx-x86_64"

That works fine locally.

But unfortunately, this is causing my build on GitHub Actions to fail on `macos-latest` (the flag is not recognized: `ld: library not found for -ld_classic`).


I just had a quick look and GH Actions [seems to be using MacOS 12](https://github.blog/changelog/2022-10-03-github-actions-jobs-running-on-macos-latest-are-now-running-on-macos-12/).

My laptops are using MacOS Sonoma (14.1.1).

Does dub allow specifying not just the OS and architecture, but the OS version?? Probably not , right? This linker issue is such a messy problem to have.

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