
I was doing some tests and this code:

import std;

struct S{
    string[] s = ["ABC"];
    int i = 123;

void foo(bool b, string str){
    S t1;

writeln("t1.s: ", t1.s, ", t1.s.ptr: ", t1.s.ptr, " t1.i: ", t1.i);

        t1.s[0] = str;
        t1.s = [str];

    t1.i = 456;
    S t2;

writeln("t1.s: ", t1.s, ", t1.s.ptr: ", t1.s.ptr, " t1.i: ", t1.i);

writeln("t2.s: ", t2.s, ", t2.s.ptr: ", t2.s.ptr, " t2.i: ", t2.i);

void main(){
    foo(false, "DEF");
    foo(true, "DEF");
    foo(false, "XYZ");


t1.s: ["ABC"], t1.s.ptr: 56421C6D7010 t1.i: 123
t1.s: ["DEF"], t1.s.ptr: 7EFC725E6000 t1.i: 456
t2.s: ["ABC"], t2.s.ptr: 56421C6D7010 t2.i: 123

t1.s: ["ABC"], t1.s.ptr: 56421C6D7010 t1.i: 123
t1.s: ["DEF"], t1.s.ptr: 56421C6D7010 t1.i: 456
t2.s: ["DEF"], t2.s.ptr: 56421C6D7010 t2.i: 123

t1.s: ["DEF"], t1.s.ptr: 56421C6D7010 t1.i: 123
t1.s: ["XYZ"], t1.s.ptr: 7EFC725E6020 t1.i: 456
t2.s: ["DEF"], t2.s.ptr: 56421C6D7010 t2.i: 123

As you can see:

    t1.s = [str];

Just changed generated a new address only for t1.s, on the other hand:

    t1.s[0] = str;

Changed the value pointed by S.s entirely (The other "instance" t2 since points to the same address now has the new value too).

Is this intended?


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