Hi, I'm mostly a lurker in these Forums but sometimes I post here and there, my first language was C and I still use today together with my own library (A Helper) which is like a poor version of STB (https://github.com/nothings/stb).

I usually use D language sometimes as C on steroids, using AA and GC and some other features, but I never entered in this realm very deeply.

I always wanted to dive in and I always postponed, but I decided to go a littler deeper, and I thought about going with The D Programming Language, but as I see it is from 2010, and I wonder if is it a good resource to go currently?

I don't care about the age of the book, since I learned C in late 90's with Kernighan and Ritchie "The C Programming Language", but at time C was "stable", now I think D maybe has evolved much more in these 14 years, so I'm a bit on the fence.

Any thoughts or recommendations?



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