On Wednesday, 17 January 2024 at 09:15:02 UTC, evilrat wrote:
On Wednesday, 17 January 2024 at 07:11:02 UTC, Renato wrote:

If you want to check your performance, you know you can run the `./benchmark.sh` yourself?

Out of curiosity I've tried to manually run this on Windows and it seems that Java generator for these numbers files is "broken", the resulting count or print runs fine for both Java and D versions provided in your D branch, but fails with generated files.

D version complains about bad utf8 encoding.
I've opened the generated file in text editor and it is UTF-16 (little-endian with BOM).

Tried with adoptium jdk 17 and 21 (former openjdk), but I guess it doesn't matter since UTF-16 is default on Windows.

It's not Java writing the file, it's the bash script [`benchmark.sh`](https://github.com/renatoathaydes/prechelt-phone-number-encoding/blob/master/benchmark.sh#L31):

java -cp "build/util" util.GeneratePhoneNumbers 1000 > phones_1000.txt

Java is just printing to stdout. I wasn't aware that piping like this would use the OS default encoding. Unfortunately I don't have Windows here, but try to change the encoding used by the bash script maybe?

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