On Monday, 5 February 2024 at 14:26:45 UTC, Basile B. wrote:
On Tuesday, 30 January 2024 at 15:38:26 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
This definitely isn't allowed in C or C++. I wonder what the rationale is for having this behavior in D?

[1]: https://dlang.org/spec/expression.html

An hypothesis is that this makes codegening the pre and the post variants almost identical. The only difference is what is yield. [Proof](https://gitlab.com/styx-lang/styx/-/blob/master/src/styx/backend/irgen.sx?ref_type=heads#L3383).

Now there's not much to say about the topic, I just thought it was amusing to share that (user1234 is my noname nickname here) as people might not realize how much certain expressions allows.

In the same vein you have the possibility to select an lvalue with a conditional expression. Pretty sure nobody knows that the following is legal

int a,b;
int c = rand();
((c & 3) ? a : b) = 42;

BTW, "achtung off topic", that's pretty much how the optional access can be an lvalue:

struct S {int a};
S* s;     // null, by default init
s?.a = 0; // no access violation !! + valgrind is happy

You can lower that to a conditional expression:

struct S {int a};
S* s;
typeof(S.a) __fallback; // compiler-generated
(s ? s.a : __fallback) = 0;

I've played a lot with that kind of expressions during the two last years. They're funny but apparently not good enough for D ;)

To conclude.

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