On 25/04/2011 21:38, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
Works on Windows command line and through IIS. And it works on my Kubuntu
10.6 command line. But if I copy the executable from my Kubuntu box to my
web host's Debian server: Running it through Apache gives me a 500, and
running it directly with ssh gives me:

linux.so.2: bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory

I assume that error message is the cause of the 500 (can't tell for sure
because the 500 isn't even showing up in my Apache error logs). But I'm not
enough of a linux expert to have the slightest clue what that error message
is all about. I don't need to actually compile it *on* the server do I? I
would have thought that all (or at least most) Linux distros used the same
executable format - especially (K)Ubuntu and Debian.

This is probably occurring due to different versions of dynamic libraries on the kubuntu and debian boxes. ldd <executable> will tell you which versions the application is linking against, it's probably libc that's the issue, or one of the other core libraries. The solution is either to link against the correct library version, or statically link the version you need. Most likely the version of debian on the server uses an older library, which you'll need to link against.


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