On Saturday, 30 March 2024 at 21:07:35 UTC, Nick Treleaven wrote:
Although `.stringof` on a function type does include the parameter names, the names are not really part of the type - see:

Perhaps `ParameterIdentifierTuple` should give a compile error when given a function type.

I'm inclined to a view that keeps more "it just works" options open. Regard the parameter names as a part of the type (which I am very grateful for them being currently) and just regard part of the definition of "type equality" as being to ignore parameter names when comparing types.

With this viewpoint, ParameterIdentifierTuple should be repaired to work with function types just as it works with functions, and the current behavior is a bug.

Incidentally, I tried
extern typeof(foo) func;
to say that func was an actual function (`extern` so defined elsewhere) whose type was the type of the function `int foo(int num, string name, int);` so I can then use `ParameterIdentifierTuple` on a function, not a type, but the compiler said `bug1.d(5): Error: variable ``bug1.func`` cannot be declared to be a function`. Seems unreasonable given the implied semantics.

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