On Sunday, 7 April 2024 at 08:59:55 UTC, Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole wrote:
Unfortunately runtime and CTFE are the same target in the compiler.

So that function is being used for both, and hence uses GC (appending).

Are you sure that string appending was really the problem that caused the "TypeInfo" build error? I forgot about this, but I had already had a working CTFE function with string appending before adding the new one that lead to this error. The symbols that it generates could be used in the program compiled with `betterC`.

string EnumPrefixes(T)(string oldName, string prefix) {
    string result = "enum " ~ oldName ~ " {\n";
    static foreach(member; __traits(allMembers, T)) {
result ~= " " ~ prefix ~ member ~ " = " ~ __traits(getMember, T, member).to!int.to!string ~ ",\n";
    return result ~ "}\n";

The purpose of this was that the enums used by the C library were too verbose. I had changed them from things like `KeyboardKey.KEY_C` to `Key.C`. I wanted to leave the new enums written directly in the module since these were recommended for use, but then generate the old ones with CTFE for backwards compatibility. The function above was used like `mixin(EnumPrefixes!Key("KeyboardKey", "KEY_"));`, and the compiler would allow it even when building with `betterC`.
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