On Wednesday, 17 April 2024 at 01:36:59 UTC, Liam McGillivray wrote:
To better understand what I mean, take the following example, where I have a function, and two structs.
struct typeA {
    // Some member variables here

struct typeB {
// Some similar member variables here, but in a different format

float someFunction(typeB input) {
    // Does some stuff
    // Returns result

If I want to be able to call `someFunction` (or any function with `TypeB` as a parameter) using `TypeA` in place of `TypeB`, and I'm willing to modify the definition of `TypeA`, I know that I can add an `opCast` and `alias this = opCast!TypeB` to `TypeA`.

But what if `typeA` is in an external library? Is there any way I can get `someFunction` (and any function with a `typeB` parameter) to accept `typeA`, only modifying the definition of `TypeB` (and possibly adding a single global line in it's module)?

This is called [row polymorphism][1], and it does not exist in D.

You could approximate it by making `someFunction` a template, and accepting any type `T` that has the necessary members instead of only accepting `typeB`. But this is only possible if you are free to modify the definition of `someFunction`.

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Row_polymorphism

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