On 28-04-2011 13:02, bearophile wrote:
A little quiz. This is related to a recent post of mine in the main D 
newsgroup, but please don't take a look at that post yet. This is the original 

double[][] matgen(int n) {
     double[][] a;
     double tmp = 1.0 / n / n;
     a.length = n;
     for (int i = 0; i<  n; ++i) a[i].length = n;
     for (int i = 0; i<  n; ++i)
         for (int j = 0; j<  n; ++j)
             a[i][j] = tmp * (i - j) * (i + j);
     return a;

Second "improved" version:

double[][] matgen(int n) {
     double tmp = 1.0 / n / n;
     auto a = new double[][](n, n);
     foreach (i, row; a)
         foreach (j, ref x; row)
             x = tmp * (i - j) * (i + j);
     return a;

But the second nicer version has a bug, do you see it? :-)


The fact that 'i' and 'j' are deduced to type 'uint' in the second version. That's the kind of bug that would keep me up at night.

Pedro Rodrigues

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