On Monday, 17 June 2024 at 15:33:46 UTC, Dejan Lekic wrote:
On Sunday, 16 June 2024 at 16:26:08 UTC, mw wrote:

What's the latest GDC stable release version?

Stable release version is the same as stable GCC release version. Find it here: https://gcc.gnu.org/

(GDC is part of the GCC project for years)

Thanks, but it's not clear which D (dmd) language version they are corresponding to,e.g. I found:


GCC version 12.2 has been released.

Updated the D front-end from v2.100.0-rc1 to v2.100.1.

But for GCC 13, 14, the status is less clear: are these version stable and released, and when?


He was also preparing to push out GDC 13.2. GDC 13 maps to DMD 2.103. He had backported around ten regression fixes for it so far.

GDC 14, the current development version, was still tracking the upstream DMD mainline. There were no blockers there and everything was going fine merging from DMD master down to GDC.

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